Friday, August 5, 2016

I want to remember...summer 2016

Curtis taking each of the kids out on his back into the ocean.
Curtis and Daniel kayaking in the ocean and seeing the dolphins.
Jonathan's "buddy". A whole sea shell he carried around Navarre.
Loosing our sunglasses in the ocean.
Eating the best fish I have ever had at Stewby's.
Zip lining with D.
Playing tag with Steve and the kids.
When Emily thought I was Mandy and climbed in my lap.
Emily and Sara wearing the ballet slippers I knit for them.
Rachel's smile after Kinder Kamp.
Watching the kids ride Chessie.
Rachel running from the sheep with their corn.
Jonathan doing the same thing the next day.
Daniel planting the cucumber plant he started as a seed in the window and then eating the fruit.
Watching Old Faithful during a rainstorm.
Elizabeth sheltering Rachel with a tablecloth during the rainstorm.
Watching some smaller geysers with Liz.
Rachel pointing out all the colors at Yellowstone.
Watching the "buff-lo" cross the river and then the road right in front of us.
Jonathan seeing lots more "buff-los" than mom or I did.
The dragon's tail at Yellowstone.
Losing Liz at Thomas's and then finding her.
Riding coasters with just Curtis and I.
Getting the good fries at Cedar Point.
Daniel and Curtis going to Cedar Point for D's birthday date.
Curtis going to the Coldplay concert with his brothers and dad.
Daniel's last Cub Scout Day Camp.
Planting the sunflowers and then checking their progress everyday with the girls.
Climbing on the rocks at Garden of the Gods.
Mom showing the kids a snapdragon flower at the Cosma's.
Lizzy wanting to ride Uncle John's motorcycle.
Uncle John giving the kids a ride.
Rachel trying to not go off the end of the water slide, she was not successful.
The kids naming the giant blowup turtle At Na Na's Turd.
Daniel playing rough with Emily and Emily loving it.
Rachel saying, "My marshmallow is not s'moring."
Seeing Aunt Carol, Uncle John, and cousin John.
Grant and Sofia Gillman coming over for a water balloon fight.

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